How to Use the Terminus Calculator to Solve Puzzles in 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies,' Quickly Start the Easter Egg Mission, and Save 5000 Essence


To master the Easter Egg mission in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, the Terminus Calculator is your essential tool. This guide will show you step-by-step how to use it to solve complex puzzles, unlock hidden paths, and begin the Easter Egg journey:

  1. Activate Power on the Terminus Map
  2. Equip Dead Wire Ammo Mod
  3. Activate the Elevator to Access the Hidden Room
  4. Destroy the Junk Electrical Boxes
  5. Calculate the Puzzle Solution with the Terminus Calculator
  6. Visit Islands to Obtain Multiphasic Resonators for the Easter Egg Mission
  7. Craft the Beamsmasher Wonder Weapon for the Final Easter Egg Challenge

Step 1: Activate Power on the Terminus Map to Begin the Easter Egg Mission

Before tackling the main Easter Egg mission on Terminus, start by activating the power. This setup is key to accessing the Terminus Calculator later. Follow the map markers to activate the AMP generators, which lead to the Bio Lab.


Step 2: Equip the Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Head to the armory and spend 500 scrap points to purchase the Dead Wire ammo mod, necessary for accessing the hidden elevator room where the Easter Egg puzzle starts. This mod will also be essential for completing several stages in the Easter Egg mission.


Step 3: Use the Elevator to Access the Hidden Room

Spend 500 credits to activate the elevator and enter the secret room, an essential area for progressing through the Easter Egg mission and accessing the Terminus Calculator.


Step 4: Destroy the Junk Electrical Boxes

To unlock the Easter Egg puzzle terminal, use your Dead Wire-equipped weapon to disable specific electrical boxes.

  • Locate the first box through the right window of the concrete building
  • Find the second box among the metal frames at the elevator's top
  • Locate the third box on the south wall of the white building

After these steps, proceed to the Living Quarters, where a sparking electrical box next to the AMP generator awaits. Shooting this box will lead you to the courtyard, where the final box unlocks the green door to the research office, housing the Terminus Calculator.

Research office door

Step 5: Access the X, Y, Z Puzzle Terminal in the Research Office

Unlock the Easter Egg mission by solving the X, Y, Z puzzle using the Terminus Calculator. Find three laptops across the main island, each marked with unique symbols to input into the calculator.



  • Laptop 1: Outside the communications room, near the starting area
  • Laptop 2: In the storage area, left of the path to the Bio Lab cave
  • Laptop 3: At the dock, overlooking the boat spawn point under the Sea Tower


Return to the research office, where the computer displays the X, Y, Z symbols. Record these symbols carefully for input into the Terminus Calculator.


Step 6: Solve the Puzzle Using the Terminus Calculator to Start the Easter Egg

With the symbols noted, use the Terminus Calculator to unlock the Easter Egg puzzle instantly, saving both time and essence. Enter the X, Y, Z symbols into the calculator, bypassing Dr. Peck's fee and immediately unlocking the next steps of the Easter Egg mission.



With the calculator's result, input the code into the Research Office computer, highlighting various islands on the map. After completing a round, the computer pinpoints a specific island to visit, such as Castle Rock Island, Crab Island, or Temple Island.


Step 7: Collect Three Multiphasic Resonators on the Islands to Continue the Easter Egg

Each resonator is guarded by a large blue sphere on a different island. Engage in wave-based zombie combat, collecting blue spheres from glowing zombies and transferring them to the main sphere. Follow this pattern across all islands in a specific order: blue, green, purple. This sequence is essential to fully unlock the Beamsmasher wonder weapon for the Easter Egg mission.

After completing each island’s challenge, the final purple sphere will drop AMP ammo for your Dead Wire weapon.

Blue sphere Green sphere

Finish the Easter Egg mission by returning to the main island's engineering department to retrieve the final component: a battery. This is the last part required for the Beamsmasher.

Final Step: Craft the Beamsmasher Wonder Weapon to Complete the Easter Egg Mission

Back in the research office, use the collected components to craft the Beamsmasher wonder weapon, fully unlocking the main Easter Egg mission and giving you the firepower needed to complete the final challenges.
